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clean water for
the whole house

"It's only been a week and my skin and hair are already something else"
"my hair feels sooooo much smoother"
"Chlorine [...] also can be pretty harsh on your skin. It could cause irritation and breakouts and also scalp issues."
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"Chlorine can strip natural oils, create tangles and dryness, and even cause split ends on all hair types."
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"Chlorine strips away natural oils and leaves hair dry, while its bleaching effects changes the color–usually for the worse"
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your best skin & hair.

Have you ever noticed a difference in your hair & skin after showering in a new location? Showering in unfiltered water can result in many common skin & hair issues.

The chlorine, heavy metals & other contaminants in our water are to blame... Here's why!

Chlorine strips the skin of its natural oils, causing:

Dry skin, hives, psoriasis, eczema, accelerated aging, random breakouts, rashes, redness, and skin burns

Chlorine removes moisture from hair, leading to:

Brittle hair, dryness, dullness, frizziness, split ends, and damaged roots, contributing to hair loss

Chlorine impacts hair color - both natural & treated

Have blonde hair that turns green? It's due to the chlorine & metals in the water. Spent $500 on that hair treatment? Filtering your water with Jolie will protect it.

Chlorine does your other product a disservice

We all know beauty products aren't cheap. The average consumer spends over $2,500 a year on their appearance. Whether you have a 1 step or 10 step routine, use drugstore skincare, or luxury skincare, if you're combining your products with dirty water you're foiling your investment.
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We chlorinate our water across nearly every water system to disinfect and kill bacteria such as e.coli (definitely don't want that!), but that chlorine doesn't need to be there when we shower. Chlorine, along with other contaminants:

  • Strips out the natural oils in our hair & skin, leaving them damaged, dry, and irritated
  • Breaks down the amino acids in our hair, depleting the hair's natural strength
  • Irritates our skin, leading to eczema, itchiness, hives & rashes
  • Dissolves hair lipids, leaving hair looking less shiny, less strong, and causing split ends
  • Reacts with the natural melanin in our hair, changing the color of your hair
  • Speeds up the loss of collagen as heavy metals cause free radicals to form
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customers are obsessed

All you need to do is shower. Whether you have a one-step routine or 10-step routine, filtering your shower water is step zero for better skin and hair.

and so are we. try jolie risk-free for 60 days

We guarantee Jolie will improve your skin & hair... Really. We guarantee it. If you don't like your Jolie, return it within 60 days, no questions asked.

Confidence is sexy, so yeah, we got some of that...

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and we did not compromise on pressure

No one likes dull pressure. We designed Jolie to maximize your pressure. Clean water shouldn't compromise your shower experience.

"It's only been a week and my skin and hair are already something else"
"my hair feels sooooo much smoother"